Online one’s identity is defined by their perceptions of other’s perceptions of themselves, much like in real life. I do not have much of an online presence on social media, I use a few platforms but very sparingly. I would say I form my online identity more through video games. Gaming culture is its own entity, but it’s not too different from social media. We use our own “language” to convey certain meanings and have a particular etiquette, although most of the time it seems it is more popular to not follow the unspoken rules of online gaming. This type of behavior of not following the rules is referred to trolling. Trolling is usually done in order to get a rise of people or to amuse oneself, but most people who do this behavior will not enact it in real life. Why? My theory is that a personality can change based on whether or not the person is interacting in the real world or the virtual world. The people who I interact with online shape my identity and form how I present myself. The identity you have in real life is different than the identity you have online. In most cases people try to present themselves as a better version of their true self, the one that exists in the real world. I would say the same thing applies when looking at myself, I have a different personality online than I do in real life. It is something I don't consciously think about, but it just happens. Perhaps the alternate personality or identity already exists in the individual and it just needs a catalysts to unlock itself. The virtual world is the perfect environment to let that alternate identity take over. A place with a certain amount of anonymity, a place where you are not face-to-face with people, somewhere in which there are no governing bodies telling you what to do. The virtual world is truly just an open space. My virtual identity is more extroverted, I find myself being more proactive and open, doing things that I normally wouldn’t do in real life. I find myself to be more confident, outspoken, qualities I normally wouldn't claim I possess. I always finding myself playing multiplayer games instead of single player games. Multiplayer games I find more fun because I can play with friends. I find it interesting to self-reflect on my virtual identity for this class, it is something I would not have done on my own.
Is our intelligence artificial?
Artificial intelligence is intelligence created by other humans. No, human intelligence is not artificial. I believe intelligence is natural to people, intelligence can be improved and built upon, but for the most part intelligence is not artificial. We attain information and knowledge from the outside world, but it is how we apply that information that makes us intelligent and it is the reason why our intelligence does not come from other people, but from within ourselves. We are born with our intelligence, geniuses are born, take the story of Jaxon Cota. He was born with high intelligence, he was not influence by anyone else, but was just born a genius. Human intelligence is not artificial.
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